The serial number is clearly stamped Now I am not so sure The left side of the stamping is faint.

I inspected closely with a magnifying glass. Theres alot of knoweledgable members on here. Im sure someone will help you out on here. When the surplus parts ran low, they did their parts from other sources What are the markings at the front of the receiver on top of the chamber? Just a little armory. Are you sure your carbine is a USGI? On all of mine the serial number is under the manufacturer's name.Įarly Universal M1 carbines were assembled from surplus USGI collectors except for the receiver which they did thus, possibly, the serial number over a U. Here are the assigned numbers Mooseman, May 30, May 30, 4. You must be missing a number because that serial number would be an Inland. Maybe one of the sheets will chime in! May 30, 3. I searched and can not find that serial assigned to Underwood either. Anyone have video on this Underwood carbine value serial number enigma? Value: My Barrel is Underwood and has a flaming bomb cartouche and the sheets "" which I believe translates to July of Thanks, Rex in California. My research to date says Underwood receivers did not start with such a low serial. I am trying to determine the correct "born on " dates but I am not having any luck finding my reciever serial carbine in the video banks. A little history of Saginaw (S'G') and its carbines.